Sliding Scale FAQ

Making arts education accessible is a huge part of our mission, which is why we offer sliding scale, pay-what-can financial assistance for most programs at Compass Arts. Fill out the form telling us what class you’re interested in and how much you can pay, and we’ll send you a coupon code for the rest. That’s it!


Compass Arts holds a dedicated fundraiser every year to raise money for the sliding-scale fund. Most contributors are members of our local community.

We have chosen to trust people to ask for what they need. Because we raise the money for sliding-scale assistance ourselves, we are able to give that money without asking for personal information. If our funding source ever changes, we may need to ask for more information.

Asking for help is hard! But you don’t have to be below the poverty line to be experiencing hardship. Times are tough all around right now. This Green Bottle chart below (designed by Alexis J. Cunningfolk) may be helpful in evaluating your level of expendable income.


It’s possible. At this time, we would rather remove barriers for more people than worry about one or two who might ask for money they don’t need.

You are not! The funds raised for sliding-scale assistance are designated ONLY for that purpose and we want the money to be used. If sliding-scale assistance enables you to take a class you wouldn’t otherwise take, you’re actually helping us!

You do not owe us anything for accepting sliding-scale assistance. If you would like to donate to Compass Arts, we have two annual fundraisers (the sliding-scale fundraiser in the spring and our year-end appeal) and accept donations at any time through our website.